PW 70MHz (4m) Contest will take place on
Sunday, 22nd September 2024
1300 - 1600 UTC
Full rules
will be published in the September 2024 issue of Practical Wireless (on
sale early August). All entrants must read the complete published rules.
The following summary is provided for convenience.
- Entrants may operate from a fixed location or portable subject to complying with the spirit and letter of prevailing government coronavirus regulations and guidelines.
- Use
ssb, cw, fm or am in the 70MHz (4m) band. (NO digital voice or datamodes).
- There are two sections:
- Low Power - Transmitter
output power limit 10 watts pep.
- Open - Transmitter
output power as per normal licence limit.
- Date
and duration as noted above.
- Contest
QSO exchange: RS(T) report, serial number starting 001, QTH locator.
- Scoring:
one point per contact, with multiplier = number of locator squares (e.g.
IO91) worked.
- The
log must include at least one contact with a station in the United
Kingdom or Eire.
- Entries
should preferably be sent by e-mail.
- Paper
logs sent by post are also accepted; these must be on A4 sheets, with
first contact in each new square highlighted. Duplicate QSOs must be
clearly marked.
- Observe
the band plan and avoid frequencies in use by non-contest activity,
GB2RS, standard calling frequencies, etc.
- You
must provide all required covering information (see Rule 6 in
the full rules), preferably using the online entry
system or on a Cover Sheet if sent by post.
- No repeater
or satellite contacts.
- Entries
must be received either by e-mail or post to the address published in the rules by 8th October 2024.
The above is
a brief summary and does not present all the conditions of the contest rules.
You must read the full published contest rules before entering.
stationery (log sheets and cover sheets) for paper entries are available
for downloading here - just click the button.
details of sending entries by e-mail click here
to PW QRP Contest index page